This is my collection of photos of personalized North American licence plates with XOPO (HORO). If you know of anyone else with such a plate NOT listed on this page, please have them send me a jpg photo to:
Wish I had one, but Quebec does not offer the personalized/vanity plates. :((
GOOD NEWS!! - As of August 2018, the Province of Québec finally approved a new system of personalized (special interest)
licence plates! I was fortunate to be able to finally get my own XOPO licence plate and join other folkdance friends
who already own one in the United States!
Check this page regularly for updates. Thank you! Last update: June 1, 2019
Yves Moreau
Yves Moreau, Québec, Canada
Karin deVries, NY
John Uhleman, MO
Fred Emigh, VT
Bill Shaw, VA
Vita Hollander, DC
Doug & Susan Jensen, IL have 3 cars ! (A true XOPO family)
Joe Croco & Laura Douglass, Redwood City, CA
Liz Nunan, Atlanta, GA
Jack O'Connor, Carlisle, MA
Ellen Sherwood (now living in Maine)
Richard and Susan, Bozeman, MT
Melissa Maloy, Oklahoma